Fiba Group was founded by Hüsnü Özyeğin in 1987 with Finansbank, the first investment in the finance sector. While continuing its growth in the finance sector, the Group expanded its range of activities with investments in the financial and asset management sectors. The Group sold Finansbank, its first investment in the finance sector, in 2006 and achieved the highest foreign capital inflow in Turkey’s history up to that time.

Companies like ours with crowded employee groups have steps that
routinely occur in employee user transactions, recruitment or dismissal
processes of a new person but cannot be resolved on time. We set out for
our IT department to focus on more value-added work, so we set out to
leave these routine tasks to Autom Mate.
Alper Özerden
IT Manager
Problem Denifition
IT personnel perform similar operations every time a new employee starts a new job, leaves a new job, or changes a user, and these operations do not add any additional information to the technician. In addition, every operation performed here must be done accurately and immediately because adding a user to the group belonging to the wrong department or closing the account of a user whose account should be disabled immediately after days due to the daily workload causes serious security weaknesses. Due to the workload on the IT department, sometimes the accounts of newly recruited personnel were not opened on time, which caused users to have a negative perception of the institution and the IT department from the first day.
… The fast and solution-oriented approach of the Autom Mate team enabled us to complete the project process in a short time and adapt easily.
Thus, with Autom Mate, we have digitalised all our entry, exit and information update processes. Our colleagues in the IT department are happy to complete their work with
Autom Mate in a complete and timely manner.
Alper Özerden
IT Manager
Autom Mate provides user onboarding, offboarding and user logins on ServiceDeskPlus. Automatically process requests for task/department change requests through the necessary approval processes then handles and Active Directory, the required account on Exchange Server, security and distribution group operations, error-free and instant processes automates.
User account transactions that create a non-value-added workload on the IT department process is done entirely through Autom Mate, enabling IT staff to provide more value-added provided to support the processes and ServiceDesk notified by Human Resources Based on the Plus registration, user account transactions were fulfilled instantly and error-free. User dissatisfaction caused by accounts that could not be created on time and the insecurity caused by accounts that were not closed on time were completely eliminated.